Dental Xrays

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Visual inspection sometimes is not enough to diagnose a certain case.  Dentists may require dental x-rays to further check on regions that needs to be assessed.  There many kinds of x-rays which are  significanct in dentistal diagnosis – periapical x-rays, cephalometric x-rays, and panoramic x-rays. Depending on what the dentist wants to see, he may requests for one or all of these.  For example, for root canal treatment, a periapical x-ray may be used.  In Orthodontic treatment, cephalometric x-ray and panoramic x-ray may be requested.

A Cental CT (computerized tomography) is a type of x-ray that produces images of internal physical structures specifically that of the head.  In comparison with conventional x-rays, it can show several views in cross sections. It is of great value in dental practice because the dentists can select areas or sections of the mandible, for instance, shown in different views in millimeters.  Exact location of the nerves or cyst, and thickness of the bone can easily be seen. This is a common type of x-ray needed for dental implant placement.

Panoramic x-ray is  a two-dimensional (2-D) view of  the entire mouth in a single image, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, surrounding structures and tissues. The jaw shows as a flat image and provide details of the bones and teeth. It is also useful in Orthodontics treatment and surgery because it shows position of the teeth present in the jaws.

Periapical x-ray shows the whole tooth which is anchored in the jaw. This type of x-ray is used to detect any abnormalities of the root structure and surrounding bone structure. It can be used as an aid in doing Root Canal Treatment, tooth restoration to check pulp involvement, or extraction, to name a few.

Cephalometric x-ray show the entire side of the head. While panoramic X-ray has become the most basic requirement,  Cephalometrc X-ray is most useful in creating a treatment plan for Orthodontic work.

It is recommended to check with your dentist what type of x-rays are needed for a certain treatment.

Always seek Professional Help.