Root Canal Treatment

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When cavities in teeth reach the inner most part, the Pulp, it cannot be directly restored by ordinary tooth fillings. Sometimes it becomes infected. To save the involved tooth, it  should be treated first  — and this procedure is called Root Canal Treatment (RCT). The procedure includes taking x-rays  of the tooth involved to determine the length and extent of infection, and  sessions of cleaning and irrigation to make sure it is free of any debris or  bacteria. After the infection has been removed,  a filling is placed inside the root to replace the contents of the cavity. When RCT is done, the tooth maybe restored by a composite restoration material.  In some cases, a Crown may be placed over the tooth if the affected area is large.

Please avoid self-diagnosis and seek professional help to determine whether the tooth involved is a good candidate for Root canal treatment or extraction. Your dentist will be able to guide you to make a logical decision.

(Always Seek Professional Help)